I've taken the last two days off of work to recover from a bee sting to the face--lemme tell you, it was not a pretty sight. After a good long while of wondering if I'd be left permanently disfigured, the swelling finally went down today, and I'm feeling like myself again! I took a little time to start working on my yellow bridesmaid dress. I could probably finish most of it today, but I've run into a sizable issue, and I'm seeking your expert advice. The fabric I chose is a lightweight pale yellow cotton, and is very see-through. The lining I chose is also pale yellow and very see-through. I had hoped that the two would act as one solid when sandwiched together, but alas, this is not the case. As you can see in the image above, the pair of fabrics is still fairly see-through. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might remedy this situation? Should I buy a different type of lining material? Please keep in mind that this dress will be worn in a tropical, summer environment, and the skirt is gathered at the waist (so perhaps I need to avoid too much bulk?)
Oh, I love the fabric!
As for the question posed...could you wear a slip? That would probably be an easy fix. Otherwise I would pick a different lining fabric or double up on what you already have. It’s shouldn't be too bulky, but you could always do a test run just in case.
I too love the dress. My thought was to double the under fabric to see that would do the trick.
If that would make it to sticky/hot, I would go with a different lining or a slip.
I've lived in the south and sometimes a slip can actually be cooling instead of making you hotter. Do they make moisture wicking slips? That'd be my vote!
Sweetgum says that you just gotta cross the polars.
Meghan .- you can put a liner in poplin or cotton batiste. You can also use a satin lining, but I think it will be too warm.
west whises, Paco
Avoiding bulk and going with the slip idea:
A full length one made from the same lining fabric may work, if 2 layers of the lining is opaque enough.
Alternatively, try a slip in an anti static 'skin' colored fabric. That wouldn't detract from the lovely colors you've chosen, and it would have the added bonus of stopping the dress 'clinging' when you don't want it to.
By the way, love your popknits pattern :)
I'd like to fourth the slip idea -- seems like an easy fix! Also, I would think that a heavier cotton fabric would be ok and not too bulky.
Glad the bee sting drama is over!
Second what Paco said. Could you interline (between the lining and the dress fabric) with batiste or the like?
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