Early Monday morning I'll be leaving the States and heading to Israel for 8 weeks. I was offered a chance to work as a conservator on an archaeological excavation, and jumped at the opportunity. This will be my first time working on a dig, my first visit to Israel--and I'm very much looking forward to it. As a conservator on a dig, I will be stabilizing and putting together artifacts that are excavated by the team. It will be an intense work environment, where we will work from early in the morning until the evening 6 days a week. I will be knitting as much as possible, but do expect this blog to remain pretty quiet in the upcoming months. I'll try to post interesting pictures and stories if I can. In the meantime, I will also be guest blogging about my professional work as a conservator over at the Kelsey Museum website:
If you've ever been curious about life and work on a dig, do keep an eye out for updates. And feel free to send questions my way!
Best wishes for a great summer,
Congrats! I hope you have a great time!
Oh my. What an absolutely wonderful & glorious opportunity! Congratulations! Quiet is good for all that you will know and do. But, I, for one, will be checking in for possible pictures and bookmarking the museum site.
You've my admiration, and most of all, you've my karmic inspiration for all that you give via your creative and professional endeavors.
Peace and a safe journey...
Wow - congratulations! This sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime. So glad it came your way.
This sounds really interesting. I just discovered your blog a little while ago and look forward to reading it.
Congratulations on your great opportunity. That is so fascinating! :)
I'll be living vicariously through you--enjoy.
congratulations for you!! have a good time !!
Wow! That's amazing. I'm very excited for you. I hope you really enjoy it, and I'm looking forward to blog updates :)
What an awesome opportunity! An experience of a lifetime. Can't wait to read the updates! :)
WOW...what an unbelievable experience! I can't wait to hear about it.
Good for you! Have a great, "one of a lifetime timem!"
Ok that would be "a wonderful once in a lifetime experience" for the last post.
That will be amazing, best wishes for your work. x
have fun!!!! sounds wonderful.
Such painstaking work, but I imagine very interesting. I'll look forward to reading more about your time in Israel. The view across the valley is wonderful - great photo.
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