I came home after work to find a surprise 6.5 inch zucchini growing in my garden! They had all been pretty tiny until this one. I promptly cut it off the plant, sauteed it up, and ate my first home-grown zucchini! It sure was good.
Since I'm starting to think about packing my place up, I took a moment to look through my fabric stash and pick out fabric for my potential second quilt. It's an assortment that includes mostly clothing or scraps left over from making clothing. I've also thrown in two vintage pillow cases and several items of clothing I purchased in India. I'm not sold on including the darkest blue fabric (it's my favorite!) but over all I think this combination of blues, yellows and greens might be nice.
I'm currently thinking either of a whirlygig or string quilt. Though I'm open to any awesome pattern suggestions you've seen around lately.
Belated happy birthday to you ... the food looked lovely! That shawl does too.
Nice zucchini!!
I'm not much help in the quilting department, but it seems like you sure are off to a good start with those lovely fabrics!
Here's a pattern if you're interested...
If you're needing more quilt inspiration, I highly recommend Quilter's Cache (http://www.quilterscache.com/QuiltBlocksGalore.html). Hundreds of free patterns and instructions!
I just started my first quilt this weekend. It's going to be a wedding present for my husband's cousin and it's turning out soo pretty!
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