The coat above, being sold by vintagepixiechick is so dreamy. Not only is it yellow (my favorite), but is also has a great texture (also a favorite), and a great 60s collar (love!) Unfortunately, it would probably be about a size too small for me. If only!

Millstreetvintage has a couple really cute 3/4 length swing coats. The solid blue one above has some great details on the back, and very cool large buttons. The blue plaid one below has a fantastic collar that can be buttoned up in a number of ways. I'm oh-so-tempted, but wonder if these, too, might be a bit on the small size. That's the trouble with being tall--sleeves are invariably too short. Though I'm starting to think that I just need to make long gloves a staple of my winter wardrobe.

Oh, it is quite too bad about that first one. But the third one has possibilities. I feel your tall-pain--I'm considering making some of those cuffs from Lace Style to lengthen my sleeves.
Well, all hope is not yet lost--I found about a dozen other possibilities on ebay. I could spend hours sorting through the vintage finds on there. I'm going to take some good measurements of my current coats to see which ones might fit. I also should really learn how to take down sleeves--sometimes there is enough fabric.
I'm loving the blue plaid- and I feel your long limbed pain!
I wear long, fine knitted fingerless gloves with thumb-holes under my short-ish suede gloves. Covers the wrist gap, and allows me to wear any gloves I like on top- also to have warm-ish hands when hunting for things in my pocket!
But yes, proper measuring would probably be better...
Thanks for commenting on my dress. I think I'm inclined to agree about that bow...
That's a great idea about the wrist warmers. I've always thought they were kind of a funny idea--I mean, why not just add the fingers? Or maybe go for a longer sleeve? But now I'm coming to see their proper place in the world. Thanks for the idea!
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