I just finished the front of my green 60s sweater--it looks much the same as the back. What it doesn't look like is the pattern photo. Sure, the fit is similar (but still baggier than I would like), and the pattern is the same. However, I'm now realizing that my yarn is too bulky. In the pattern photo, the sweater has a loose, open knit. In my sweater, the pattern is difficult to see because the yarn is thicker. I chose my yarn to match the gauge of the sweater--when really, I should have chosen a yarn with a finer gauge so that it knit up looser on such large needles. Grr!
Although I'd be really sad to not have a sweater to show for all this work, this sweater already has two strikes against it, so perhaps it's best to cut my losses and find a pattern better suited for this yarn. I'm thinking maybe this pattern from Rebecca Magazine that I have at home:
Any thoughts?

Hi Meghan! It's Sara's mom from California. Love your blog. I am blown over that all you brilliant young women have now discovered knitting. I've been clinking metal, plastic, and bamboo needles (in that order, chronologically) since I was a child. I can say that honing in on the right materials for the right pattern is definitely something that comes with the experience of working with yarns. It's a wonderful iterative experience. And you, very early on, have discovered that truth.
Have fun, go wild, try all sorts of textiles and pattterns together and find your own style. Toby, Sara's sister, used to knit his own creations, sans pattern, starting from about age seven. He still does.
I think you have a splendid idea--writing up tips on how to adapt yarns and patterns to one another. Sounds like a great book project!
Wonderful to discover your new site! I'll be looking in to see what's on your needles. ;-)
Had any Press fries lately?
Oops. That was Toby, Sara's BROTHER, I meant to mention in the last comment.
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